Friday, September 2, 2011

An Explanation

There's less than five days until I leave so I figured I should probably explain what's going on. Well, in May I was accepted into Queen's University for a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree. I love the campus in Kingston and the University itself is amazing. However, I didn't apply to Queen's U in Kingston, I applied to the Queen's University campus in East Sussex, England! So, my first year is in the U.K then I'm off to another beautiful campus in Kingston, Ontario.

Did I mention my campus in England is a huge Tudor style castle? (Pictured above)

It's been a roller coster of craziness just trying to get ready to go, from crying in the middle of Digital Audio Studies when I discovered I was accepted, (it was the day after I was declined from my first choice University :( ) to freaking out about U.K visas (so tedious) and working my butt off all summer so I could afford to breathe the air in another country, well let's just say I've been busy. Totally worth it though.

Totally worth it.



  1. This is a very special time in your life, MegaTron. I myself went to university overseas in New Zealand and don't think I would be half as successful or a self-realized person were it not for such a seminal experience. It's so great that you intend to blog your life for the next little while. Remember to Skype with the family as much as possible, and do/don't spend too much time in English pubs.

    A fellow Decepticon,

  2. I know Skype is a must, everyone here is doing it at one time or another throughout the day. I love the shear amount of culture and history in everything over here so I have no doubt it will change my outlook on life and the like. :)

    Thanks for the comment.

