Monday, September 12, 2011

A Quick Update

I had my first day of classes today. In a 14th century castle 5 minutes away from my residence building. Now, so far I’ve had no real problems with the weather, it was more like a late Canadian autumn with random bouts of rain than the crazy damp climate everyone kept warning me about. However, today I woke up to a nice surprise, 45 mph wind. Honestly, I almost blew over on the way to the castle this morning, and then what little rain we received was a fine mist blown into your face like ice. Thanks England.

On a brighter note, I quite enjoy my classes so far based on what I’ve witnessed. My drama Prof. is funny and energetic (go figure) and I think my English Professor and I will get along swimmingly.

I went to Brighton yesterday, it kind of reminded me of New York in a way, minus the plasma televisions on buildings and times square. It was full of old buildings and beautiful monuments, while at the same time crowded with everything from brand name shops to discount ones and little pubs with British fiddle bands. I bought a nice big sweater, which came in handy today when dealing with the wind. So all in all, goodstuff.

Finally, I want to take a few lines to thank my amazing Nana for finding me a lined raincoat in TJ Maxx before I left for the U.K. I’ve used that thing at least twice a day every day since I landed and it’s a miracle coat. So, thanks Nana J

Big shout out to my friends and family, I am currently working on a more “British” blog post but I’m waiting until I stumble upon sufficient information before I post it.



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